STEAM based activity on Natural Disaster
In this activity, volcano was recreated in-house using simple kitchen chemistry. The kids made a paper model of volcano, colored it and then under supervision used powder detergent and vinegar to recreate lava. This activity showed how to make models, how to make use colors, how to explain natural phenomena. Also a simple discussion on earthquakes, volcano, and natural disasters was delivered.

Awareness on reading classic stories
This activity had taken place during the month of February where we have the auspicious Book Fair annually. The core value of this activity was to encourage reading classic story books with the parents to the kids, so that parents get to know what books they can read out to their wards. A list of highly selected classics were handed over to parents.
Workshop for parents on "Parents perceptions on use of ICT"
A Computer Science professor from University of Toronto came to talk to the parents in order to discuss how technology hampers our child’s behavior. This participatory discussion focused on how we can use technology in a creative an innovative way to supplement our children’s aptitude and attitude. Some examples of best-practices and not-to-do’s were discussed.
Theme based learning (cat)
We chose a theme to teach children through fun activities. The theme was cat – the parents dressed like cat, children dressed imitating cats and fun activities on cat behavior was imitated. Theme-based play-activity is important to flourish imagination through increased neural connections. The children sang, did drawings, danced and wrote stories – all based on cat.
STEAM based activity on 'Let's Cook!'
STEAM based activity in a small circle! Shoishob had a children activity regarding cooking activities on 3rd September 2021. They tried pizza, cookies and juice making. They tried and learnt of different shapes, measurement of items, temperature. It was a great STEAM activity.

Book reading festival
Shoishob & kathaprokash arranged a book reading festival for parents and children.